b'modes. It supports and enables AVs to cooperatewill further expand the communitys contributors through communication between vehicles,toincludemoreacademicresearchers, infrastructure, and other road users (includingautomotive original equipment manufacturer pedestrians, cyclists, and electric scooter users). partners, technology start-ups, and mapping companies, among others. Essentially, FHWA CARMAs unique capabilities fill a specificaims to collaborate on CARMA with people and niche in the automation sphere, allowing fororganizations invested in AVs and the future of all manner of transportation stakeholders andtransportation.users to take advantage of cooperative driving automation technologies in the most efficientBeyondreducingtrafficcongestionand way possible. Through CARMA, cooperativeimproving transportation safety, CARMA also driving automation technology is already beingwill support industry collaboration and expand tested and implemented in diverse vehicles,on existing automation capabilities to reduce such as water- and rail-traveling machines andresearch and development time and advance freight trucks, in addition to traditional passengercooperative driving automation technology. cars. With automated driving systems becomingIn particular, CARMA has helped to develop more and more advancedand more prevalentenhancedtrafficincidentmanagement on the roadsCARMA provides a solution tocapabilities. The technology will allow first streamline software development and provideresponders to interact more effectively with accesstoincreasedfunctionalityandaautomated driving systems. CARMA can also community of developers.help enhance work zone management, traffic incident response, and weather alerts. Across the country, FHWA has a growing community of development partners committedTo learn more about the design and evolution to CARMA research that will enable futureof the CARMA Platform and opportunities to testing and deployment. Today, these are mostlycollaborate with CARMA, please visit our FHWA academic institutions. In the future, the projectsite, GitHub site, and Confluence site.DR. TAYLOR LOCHRANE is a Technical Program Manager at Federal Highway Administration in the Office of Operations Research and Development. He is currently leading and managing the CARMA SMprogram, part of a USDOT effort to accelerate the research and development of Cooperative Driving Automation (CDA). He is leveraging open source software and using agile software development practices to accelerate innovative concepts aimed to increase safety and improve the overall infrastructure efficiency of the transportation system using CDA technology. The CARMA program enables a larger community to participate in the development, thought open collaboration, and testing for the acceleration of CDA strategies and enabling technology from research to market.4'